Welcome to the Artisan & Crafter Markets Family

Below you are going to find all the setup & check-in instructions for Rockport Market Days.

If you have any questions give us a call at 361-314-2226

General Setup Instructions

ACM Rockport Market days is friday – Sunday 9am to 4pm!

We are located at 100 seabreeze drive rockport, texas

You have to be set up and in your booth no later than 8:45am.

General Info

Setup HOurs

Thursday: 2 – 7pm
Friday & Saturday: Anytime before 8am and after 4pm
We do have overnight security that can help you find your booth space after normal setup hours. Please call Josh at (361) 266-5226 for any questions or to set up after-hours help.

Check In Info

Once you get to the market, if you know where your space is you can proceed to your space, unload & get all setup. If you do not know where your space is please call Josh @ (361) 266-5226 or 361-314-2226 & he will direct you to your booth and get you checked in.


The outside and inside circle vendors can park behind there booth space with a limit of 2 vehicles per space. Vendors in the center circle must park somewhere on the grass outside of the market and cannot park at your booth.

Tom assigns RV parking and you need to contact him @ (361) 428-1226 or 361-314-2226 and he will show you to your spot.


We spend a lot of money on security to be on sight from 4 pm – 8 am Thursday – Saturday. It’s your call and responsibility if you want to break anything down. You can also set up your canopy, tables, etc. on Thursday & Friday afternoon.

Some rules

If you need to leave early please discuss it with ACM Texas. If you leave without letting us know you will be charged a $50 fee to the credit card on file.

Make sure you pick up your trash daily and use the provided trash cans throughout the market. There will be a trash disposal fee of $20 if at the end of the market when we are going around cleaning and we see any zip ties, cigarette butts, bottle caps, or any other personal trash items in your booth space.

Be Kind & Courteous to customers and your fellow vendors.

We do see roughly 10,000 customers a weekend so please do not leave your booth unattended, we do not want you to lose any products while attending our market. If you do need to leave for a moment ask a neighbor or give us a call and let us know so we are aware.

There are porta a potties in the center of the market and a bathroom facility near the beach park, please do your best to keep those clean when you use them.